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Why React Native

Why React Native

Apps have become the solution to most of our plaguing concerns today. From investing money in a mutual fund to getting groceries delivered, we have an app for almost everything. With the rise of the on-demand economy, companies have well realized that going mobile-first is the most profitable solution for their ventures. That’s why probably there are over 2.6 million apps for Android and over 2.2 million apps for iOS devices.

One of the other major reasons for the increased demand for apps today is our transition from desktops to portable devices to access the internet. While we were all using conventional personal computers to get online, today we have multiple options including watches, gaming consoles, televisions and more. A Mary Meeker report released in 2017 revealed that the number of hours of internet usage was rising but the split has been surprising. The report shared that Americans spent just 2.2 hours a day on their desktop but spent over 3 hours on their smartphones.

That’s not it. The number of devices and users connecting to the internet is also expected to rise in the coming years. It’s estimated that there would be over 7bn users connected to the internet. With our access mediums becoming unconventional, the need for cross-platform app development has simultaneously increased as well.

If there’s a good time for businesses to capitalize on this demand, it is now. But for that, there has to be a framework that not only offers a seamless experience to users but also allows companies to get their apps quickly out in the market. If you’re a developer, you would know that we’re talking about ReactNative. But for those of you who still feel if ReactNative is the framework you should prefer for your projects, here are some crucial advantages of react native app development and why this will continue to rule in 2020.

Why ReactNative

1. Faster Development Time

Firstly, businesses should know that ReactNative powers some of the most stable and popular platforms of our times including Instagram, Skype, Airbnb, Tesla, Ubereats and more. Released by Facebook, this framework quickly shot to fame because of its ability to let developers develop their apps at a much faster rate. To project this abstract concept in numbers, understand that it would take for a developer 33% more time to develop an app if they did not use ReactNative.

How this is achievable is that the framework requires a developer to code only once and make minimal changes to make it cross-platform. For instance, if you’re developing an app for Android, you can easily transfer the codes to another mobile platform like iOS with just a few minor changes. This form of code recycling allows developers to save a lot of time on reprogramming the entire code again.

If your kitchen cooks up sumptuous food but your app keeps crashing, your tech business is bound to fail. Proper tech infrastructure is inevitable in running a cloud kitchen.

2. Lesser Cost

As far as the development costs are concerned, ReactNative is comparatively less expensive than its other market counterparts. This means Flutter app development will cost you more than developing an app with ReactNative. If you’re a bootstrapped business or have a minimum budget to invest in your business, ReactNative will ensure you get the most stable app for your venture at the least expensive prices.

The reason for this has already been explored. Because it does not require a developer to recode from scratch for each platform, the job gets done in the first instance, helping you save in the longer run. If a react native app company has good JavaScript developers with good exposure to APIs, native UI libraries and hybrid app development, you can get a solid app developed for your business idea.

3. Tremendous UI/UX

To put the idea of why UI/UX matter in app development into perspective, here are some interesting stats.

  • Over 71% of the cause for app uninstalls is app crashes.
  • Users find out about 44% of the defects/bugs in an app.
  • 52% of app users find interface inconsistencies frustrating.
  • Over 70% of users abandon apps because they take too much time to load.

Now the reason why these stats are crucial is to prove that a game-changing business idea alone is not enough to be a successful venture. Your app, which is the tangible version of your idea, has to be equally solid as well. That’s why ReactNative takes care of factors like these like a pro.

Apps built on ReactNative take less time to load, are easier to navigate and use, offer tremendous user experience and run smoothly. So, if you intend to make a mark with your app in the market, you need to head to a react native app development company.

4. Less Consumption Of Memory

One of the most advantageous features ReactNative offers is that it shows compatibility with 3rd party plugins. This eliminates the need for developers to depend on WebView to integrate added functionalities to an app like Google Maps or payment gateways. They can simply link the required plugin and a native module and allow users to make use of the device’s functionalities like pinch-to-zoom, rotate and others to seamlessly execute tasks. This link up not only paves the way for lesser memory consumption but reflects on the speed of the app as well.

5. Intuitive Interface

Because developers can reuse codes in ReactNative, the framework makes bug detection easier for them. The framework’s intuitive interface and build also allow developers to understand projects from anywhere and enable them to make updates/changes to applications. ReactNative saves additional development time by allowing testers to take lesser time in understanding program logic and build adequate testing conditions and scenarios.

Besides these, ReactNative also migration to another framework simple by allowing you to export the code to your new framework.

6. Additional Features in 2020

If these pointers did not convince you to move from a Flutter app development company to ReactNative, the following additional features for 2020 will definitely do. With the new features, your business will be compelled to prefer ReactNative for your venture.

The latest update features a fresh app screen. Developers at Facebook have shared that this new update will be more developer-friendly and have resourceful instructions clearly evident. This means developers who are new to the platform will be easily and quickly introduced to the framework’s ecosystem and usage.

ReactNative libraries now have native and platform-specific codes.

Fast Refresh is one of the latest updates rolled out. Being a mix of hot reloading and live reloading, this new feature further speeds up the development process.

Apart from these, the framework is also expected to improve in terms of its accessibility.

So, these were the top reasons why ReactNative will continue to rule in 2020. If you’re keen on developing and launching an app and make profits, you have to do it now. For that, you need a reliable hybrid app development company like ours to help you get started.

Dennis understand the ins and outs of the framework and have the required expertise and industry knowledge to complement your business vision with their ideas and personalized support.

So, if you intend to make this year count for your aspirations, you have to start working today.

 Get in touch  now.


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